Bikes Fight Poverty: 15 Life-Changing Years

So, long story short...

There's no way to sum up everything Bikes Fight Poverty has meant to each of us. Whether you've been a rider, a volunteer, or a donor (or some combination of all three!), I'm sure you've been changed. We on the 1MISSION team have been changed too.

Most of all, we celebrate along with the hundreds of families who now have safe, secure houses of their own, thanks to your generosity and commitment.

As one more way of celebrating everything this amazing community has accomplished—one last way of saying thanks—we've been eager to share this retrospective video with you. 

Featuring interviews with many of you, as well as archival footage and photos from the past 15 years, it's not something to watch while on the go.

So grab a drink. Find a comfy chair, kick up your feet. Oh, and keep the tissues handy.


Planting Seeds of Hope


Accountability + Transparency + Effectiveness = Trust