Sewing Threads of Opportunity
Susana has always loved sewing. A skilled seamstress, she has a knack for creating beautiful clothing and accessories. Now she’s teaching others everything she knows.
When Susana and her husband Pedro joined the 1MISSION team several years ago, this was one of the first ways she started investing in the Puerto Peñasco community. Ever since then, she’s been gathering groups of women, mostly – but also some men and even children – into sewing classes, where she incorporates literacy lessons as well.
For Susana, sewing is a crucial part of a bigger goal: improving the lives of her students, whatever their age, by giving them new skills.
Many of those who participate in sewing classes are doing so to earn hours toward houses through 1MISSION. Others are simply taking the classes in hopes of opening up new employment opportunities. Some of Susana’s most faithful students, meanwhile, have already received a new house but remain in the classes to continue improving their skills.
Already, participants are sewing school uniforms and other items of clothing for themselves and their families. Several who have taken these classes are now earning money doing alterations and providing other sewing services. And little by little, more local stores in Mexico are selling their work. There’s even a shop called Redemption Market that has sold these handicrafts and accessories online, as well as at the Open Air Market in downtown Phoenix!
Just like the rest of us in our own work, Susana worked hard to hone her craft over many years. And as a government-certified seamstress, she could have chosen to use her skills in much more lucrative ways.
But she recognized her sewing ability as a way to create and extend opportunity for her neighbors, helping them gain valuable skills that are already translating into better jobs and healthier, happier families – not to mention the beautiful products that bring joy to countless people’s lives.
As we celebrate 10 years as an organization, we’re asking you to help make more stories like this possible. By joining the Supply Yard at $10 a month, you’ll be doing your part to sustain these programs and give more families the opportunity to earn a house by serving their community.