Staying Warm in Winter
Here in Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly the temperature drops as soon as the sun goes down. In the winter, that is.
This time of year, afternoons can be sunny and pleasantly warm. It feels great to be outside in a T-shirt. But if you're planning to stay out past sunset, you better bring a jacket. You're going to need a jacket.
What's true here in Arizona is true for our friends just south of the border in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. Only in many cases, these families don't have a climate-controlled house to return to at night, equipped with smart thermostats and unlimited cozy blankets.
This is where a family we know lived before receiving the keys to their new house. It provided very little protection from extreme temperature changes.
For families living in trailers that have seen better days, or in makeshift housing made of wood pallets and other scraps, winter nights are difficult. Scary, even.
Winter nights, I've been told more than once, are worse than summer days. Which is saying something.
Fortunately, by participating in 1MISSION programs, each year more families are gaining access to safe and secure housing that is also insulated and much more energy-efficient than the alternatives. Because our houses are built using Fastbloc, families stay more comfortable year-round, even in an extreme climate like this.
Building using Fastbloc means houses are better insulated and families are more comfortable, year-round.
In the summer, they are protected from deadly daytime highs. And in the winter, they don't freeze at night.
Even families that can't afford much heating or air conditioning have found smart ways to keep their homes comfortable.
Yulisa Valenzuela lives in the Faisanes neighborhood with her husband and nine-year-old son. She shared this winter life hack with us: during the heat of the day, when the sun is beating down on the house, she keeps the front door open.
Yulisa Valenzuela with her son Aslam in front of their home in the winter.
"It helps us keep the house a bit warm," she said. "Then in the afternoon, I close the door to trap the heat inside."
The family also has a couple of small solar panels they received as gifts. By absorbing sunshine each day, these panels generate a bit of electricity for the evening hours.
In the summer, as well, families like Yulisa's know to take advantage of cross-breezes to flush out the hot afternoon air and cool off the house.
When you partner with 1MISSION, you are helping to keep families safe and healthy, year-round. That's a pretty big deal. So on behalf of the families we serve, thank you!
Thanks also to Pedro Tapia for his help with this story. He interviewed Yulisa and provided valuable first-hand insight. Gracias, Pedro!
Remember the photo of the family living in makeshift shelter? Here they are a year or so later in front of a well-built, well-insulated house of their own.
This life-changing work is only possible thanks to the generous support of partners like you. Please consider joining the Supply Yard, our dedicated community of monthly givers. Thanks!